The Best 5 Books I’ve read in 2014

Salam dear friends,

There are many wonderful books that I’ve read this year, and I found it really hard to select my top 5… But, I finally did it 😀 😉


Here are the best 5 books that I’ve read in 2014 🙂

The Great Gatsby

One of the best books that I have ever read… The story is brilliant, the characters are wonderful, and no need to talk about the writer’s style 🙂


The Stranger

I’ve already reviewed it before, and I really recommend you to read it. 🙂


L’Homme Qui Voulait Etre Heureux 

Do you want to be happy ?? This book has- more or less- the answer… It tells us the story of man who wants to be happy… In the book, we follow his journey with an open mind 😀


Storms العواصف

Like always, Jabran opened my eyes on so many things just by reading this book.. His wonderful style, unique words choice, and beautiful way of telling make you love him even more 😉


25 Ans Avec Lui

This is a wonderful book… Reading it made me look to Jacques Chirac in a whole new way, and it made politics sound different to me.. I’m happy that I had the chance to read it 🙂


That’s it… Happy New Year to all of you… See you soon Insha’ALLAH 😉

Keep on reading books 😉

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Mariam says:

    Hi lady!!! I really love to read an I was wondering where could I find a copy of “the great Gatsby” !!! Do you have any idea !!! Thanx in advance.

    1. Happy to add another “books lover” to my readers list 🙂 One of my brother’s friends gave me the book, but I think you can find it in libraries.. Are you a
      Moroccan ??

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